Recently, Khia took to social media to set the record straight amid some ongoing comparisons. According to the "My Neck, My Back" performer, she's nothing like current female MCs, as their messages are totally different. She says that her music is centered around men praising her, and not the other way around. Unfortunately, Sexyy Red saw the hitmaker's rant, and didn't take to it kindly. She had some choice words for Khia, who she believes is just being a "hater."
"I'm about tired of y'all comparing me to these h*es," Khia began. "I said my neck, my back, my p***y and my crack," she continued. "It's respect me, it's snatch the motherf*ckin' cat back. It's don't trust no motherf*ckin' n***a get your own sh*t."
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She also went on to include some references to Sexyy Red and her pal Sukihana's music, though she hadn't yet called them out by name. "It ain't eat no n***a's a** and suck no n***a's toes," she added. Later in her rant, Khia denied being an original Sexyy Red, claiming that people need to note their differences. While Khia made it clear that she doesn't roll the same way as Sexyy Red does, her message rubbed the "Pound Town" rapper the wrong way. She dropped a response in the comments section of The Neighborhood Talk, and didn't hold back. "Just another ol washed up h@g hatin ona young turnt rich bthc," she wrote. "Hatin on bad bthces den & you still ah mad hater."
This isn't the first time Khia's been critical of younger female rappers, however. Earlier this year, she discussed other artists sampling "My Neck, My Back," claiming that nobody's managed to impress her. According to her, Saweetie didn't do it "any justice," and City Girls and YG's records were just “okay." What do you think of Khia getting upset about being compared to current female rappers? Do you think Sexyy Red's response was warranted, or did she go too far? Share your thoughts in the comments section down below, and keep an eye on HNHH for more updates.
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